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《我是你的月亮》剧情讲述了1913年两个相爱的女人,却注定不能在一起。然后他们在2021年的另一个生活中再次相遇,但事情仍然不容易。  佛历2456年,由于Atitthan公主和Katsakorn公主受传统阻碍,两位女生无法相爱,她们就像太阳和月亮,永远不会成对,因而在一起交往也是不可能的。  佛曆2564年,过去已经过去,时代已经改变,直到她们再次相遇,当Katsakorn和Atitthan偶然相遇时,甚至爱也在心中绽放,但爱的道路从來都不容易。  两人仍然必须携手突破,即使不是打破传统,但过去的故事仍然与影响会联系在一起。  ~ ~改编自艾斯的小说《katsathitthan》(กัษธิษฐาน)。  The plot of I'm Your Moon tells about two women in love in 1913, but destined not to be together. They then meet again in another life in 2021, but things are still not easy.  In 2456, Princess Atitthan and Princess Katsakorn were hindered by tradition, so the two girls could not fall in love. Like the sun and the moon, they would never be paired, so it was impossible to get together. In 2564, the past has passed and the times have changed until they meet again. When Katsakorn and Atitthan meet by chance, even love blooms in their hearts, but the road to love is never easy. The two still have to work together to break through, even if they don't break the tradition, the stories of the past are still linked with the influence.  ~~ Adapted from the novel Katsathitthan (กัษธิษฐาน) by Ace.


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  • 4.0 已完结 你是我的毒玫瑰国语 颂恩·宋帕山,瓦拉妮·塔瓦翁


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